Monday, February 28, 2011

PRAYER ALERT: UK High Court Says Christian Beliefs Harmful to Children

"Foster Care by Christians in the UK is now in doubt." –Christian Legal Centre

A disturbing landmark judgment was made in the UK's High Court on Monday that could have a very serious impact on Christians there who wish to be foster parents.

Lord Justice Munby and Mr Justice Beatson's judgment stated that Christian beliefs on sexual ethics may prove harmful to children; at the same time they upheld an Equalities and Human Rights Commission submission that there is a risk of children being "infected" by Christian moral beliefs.

The judges' ruling was in regard to the dispute between married couple Eunice and Owen Johns and the Derby City Council, where the John's application to provide foster care was blocked because they were not willing to promote homosexual ideals to young children. The couple asked to be exempted from promoting the practices because of their Christian moral beliefs.

For more, follow this link:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our Little Sparkle Arrives!

Meet our newest addition!!! On 11th February 2011 we collected some very special cargo from Seattle Airport - Miss Sparkle! Faith really is the Substance of things hoped for and Sparkle is a beautiful fluff ball of substance!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Lord for our little blessing X

Day 1 - Enjoying the fuss, everyone just loves me

Day 2 - Soccer skills - They start us young in this house!

Day 3 - This is Carly, my big sister - she cleans my poop up alot - my mum is amazed!

Day 4 - Carly adores me! However, I havent chewed her favourite shoes yet!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

'Obama Delivers Major Speech on Personal Faith ' (CNN)

....'President Barack Obama gave an unusually personal speech about his religious faith on Thursday, saying that "it is the biblical injunction to serve the least of these that keeps me going and keeps me from being overwhelmed," in address to a prayer breakfast in Washington.

The speech, delivered at the National Prayer Breakfast, comes on the heels of public opinion surveys that show only a minority of Americans know that Obama is a Christian and that a growing number believe he's a Muslim.

"My Christian faith has been sustaining for me over the last couple of years and even more so when Michelle and I hear our faith questioned from time to time," the president said Thursday, referring to his wife. "We are reminded that ultimately what matters is not what other people say about us but that we are true to our conscience and true to our God."

"When I wake in the morning, I wait on the Lord, I ask him to give me the strength to do right by our country and our people," Obama said later. "And when I go to bed at night, I wait on the Lord and I ask him to forgive me my sins and to look after my family and to make me an instrument of the Lord."...'

Obama speaking at Prayer Breakfast  (watch video)

As I read an watched the above I could only think this is a much welcomed and powerful declaration of the personal christian faith of President Obama... Lets remember to pray for those in authority - regardless if those in authority are those we voted for... now there is a test of grace! Kings, Queens, Presidents, Local Governments.... its biblical

1 Timothy 2:1-4 (New International Version, ©2010)

 1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I was recently pondering about how I saw things when I was first 'born again' and became a Christian. This happened in 1995 after a radical encounter with Jesus after the death of my grandmother. As a young christian I began to write down and journal what the Holy Spirit was speaking to me... today I was reminded of an article I wrote almost 10 years ago and the message I believe is still the same.......


1) When Phillip found Nathanael, he had been actively searching for him to tell him “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” (John1v45). So Phillip obviously felt that he had something worth sharing.

2) When Nathanael heard the message, it wasn’t the fact that Jesus was the son of Joseph that troubled Nathanael, but it was more the fact that he had come out of Nazareth.

Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked (v46).  Nathanael wasn’t taking offence at Jesus, as the people of Nazareth themselves did when they realized Jesus was ‘only the carpenter’ (Mark 6v3). He was however, questioning whether anything good could come out of Nazareth. He asked not with the heart of a Pharisee that would try to undermine Jesus, but he asked with a desire to get a truthful answer, he hadn’t already decided the answer in his heart, this wasn’t a trap, this really was a question.

We know this because Jesus himself later said “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.” v47.  Phillip also recognised Nathanaels sincere heart when he invited him to “come and see”v46.
Nathanael was so amazed Jesus knew him, he then wanted to know “How do you know me?”v48. Jesus’ simple reply impacted Nathanael so much that he became one of Jesus’ first disciples.

What was it in the words Jesus spoke

that touched Nathanaels heart?

It was the words “I saw you….before Phillip called you”v48. Similarly when the Lord called Jeremiah he said to him “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart……”Jeremiah(1v5). There was something reassuring for both Jeremiah and Nathanael to know all that was happening wasn’t a fluke! The Lord knew everything about them.

 When we come to Jesus with a pure heart we are open to receive the answer whether we like the answer or not. This is made more evident when we read about the Samaritan Women in John 4v39. She stated “He (Jesus) told me everything I ever did” This ‘telling’ was the raw exposure of the sin in her life, but once again she didn’t take offence or become offended she rushed off to tell the people in the town that Jesus knew all about her sin!

This woman was so amazed at Jesus she didn’t focus on the sin, but she focused on the Truth and his name was Jesus..... 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request from Cindy Jacobs - (Ref: Elijah List)

Urgent Prayer Alert from Cindy Jacobs:
An Open Letter to the Arabic-Speaking Christians as well as the Church Worldwide
As you are aware, this is one of the most critical and serious times for Believers across the Middle East in recent memory. As a prophet, I have been seeking the Lord for a prophetic word concerning the situation in Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen, and other parts of the Arabic-speaking world as well as those greatly influenced by Islamic teaching.
Also, in looking back at the prophetic word for 2011 issued by the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (click here to view), I read the warning we issued which said that satan would try and start another third world war. One of his purposes is to stop the new missionary movements taking place across the face of the earth.
I believe we are at that tipping point, at this moment, where the situation in Egypt could destabilize the region to such a degree that just such a scenario would take place. Of course, new regimes could be put in place that would cause Iranian-type oppression of Believers.
This is why I am calling for the Body of Christ around the world, and particularly the Arabic-speaking community, to participate in a season of prayer and fasting beginning as soon as you receive this letter.
Many may want to even have such a severe fast as an "Esther Fast." Others can fast as their health allows. If you are able to do an Esther Fast, I am suggesting it for a three-day time period.
Further, I feel like I am hearing from the Lord that what satan has meant for evil, God will turn for good if the Church across the Middle East will put aside their doctrinal and denominational differences and come together in unity to pray. The walls of division must fall if the Christian community is going to be protected.
While things seem quite dire, if the Church will fast and pray together as one, the turmoil will die down and God will protect the world from a terrible war.
On a redemptive note, I see a generation of young leaders arising out of the Church who are anointed to preach the Gospel and see a great harvest of souls all across the Middle East, as well as North Africa, Central Asia, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

To see full word on this clink here: Elijah List