Thursday, July 21, 2011

Esthers Digital Art Pictures

Today Esther drew a beautiful picture of hearts while I was cooking dinner. As I saw it I was amazed at the wording and design from a 5 year old. She was happy for me to put the picutres on my blog to share with everyone. Enjoy - these are beautiful - may they inspire you to experiment with your creative God given talents and abilities! ( Click on picture to read words on hearts and flower)

'Your Love Is Everything' by Esther Lampan (5y 9 m)

'The Butterfly Flower' by Esther Lampan (5y 9m)

 'A Butterfly Sipping A Sunflower'  - by Esther (5 y 9 m)


Race for Life - Stafford - Clare Skelton's last goal

On 12th July 2011 at 7pm many women were 'toes to the line' in Stafford, England, UK at the Race for Life event. These amazingly well supported events run all over the country to raise money for cancer research in the UK.

As you may know from some previous blogs I wrote about Clare Skelton, she finished her physical race and sadly for u,s but awesome for her, she entered eternity on 25th May 2011.

However, her burning passion was to run the Stafford race on 12th July which was her home town, and use the sport of running that she loved so much, to raise money to help find a cure for this awful disease.

Below are some photos of the event - I too was able to run at 11am Pacific Time West Coast of USA in Silverdale, WA at the same time as the event was running in England. It was an amazing feeling knowing I was running in the spirit with all the people who so wanted to honour Clare and her last goal and effort to raise money and finish this race.

Clare's Mum, Son and Sister Emma - finishing the race with Clare in their hearts
Clare's son Luke having fun at the Race for Life - Stafford - 12th July 2011

Luke having a cuddle from Auntie Emma- Also Clares Mum-in-law cuddling Lucy 

Emma, Clares sister made a speech before the race and also did some radio interviews and spoke at schools prior to the event to help raise awareness of this disease.  I am so proud of you Emma - as I wrote to you last week -

'I am so proud of you being able to speak at the start and on radio, given the very personal situation – just like your sister, not thinking of yourself, but making the most out of the situation to turn it around for good, to encourage others. You are such an encourager Emma'

Please continue to pray for Clares family as they all move on with their journey in these early days - I pray in the coming days they will be able to celebrate Clares life more and more above mourning her loss - a hard task but I believe one that is possible with time.

Monday, July 18, 2011

8 Year Old Rhema Marvanne's Inspirational Voice

This little girl and these songs have touched my heart. Her mummy went to heaven when Rhema was 5 years old after a long battle with ovarian cancer. As she moved on without her mum, she found a beautiful voice inside of her that not only helped her overcome her pain, but Rhema's voice now blesses so many people globally. Rhema Marvanne - you are 8 years old now, and you are touching so many lives with you songs - You are Awesome - May your faith in Jesus grow more and more intimate, as you sing with him and your mummy in your heart x

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Legally Red

Today is my oldest daughter 'Carly's' graduation in Cardiff, Wales. It was so hard not to be there but watching her walk across the platform in her cap and gown at 4am US Pacific Time after 3 attempts to tune in was awesome... She so deserves her reward BA (Hons) Law

Carly - today in Cardiff, Wales at her graduation ceremony
When Carly was 14 she had two favourite films (movies :)) Never Been Kissed and Legally Blonde. The latter she went on to watch SOOOOOO often it is beyond recalling - I still can not fathom how someone can watch one film over and over again, and still enjoy it - I think she inherited that from her dad for sure!

However, the films character as well as watching the antics of a young women enjoying makeup-shoes-clothes told the story of the making of an excellent Lawyer... Isn't it ironic that Carly is such an amazingly smart young lady, loving all the legally blonde 'girlie' things, yet like legally blonde - she obviously also had the brains to gain a Law degree and potentially become a solicitor/lawyer.

                                           Bend and Snap Scene - always a favourite

                                                           Legally Blonde Case Scene

Carly - Miss Legally Red - Silverdale WA 2010  (photo by Hanah Reed)

Way to go girlie!!!!!