Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Japan: A Nation in Realignment! WORD by Chuck D Pierce

Dated March 29, 2011

Dear Steady Saints:

Here is a key prophetic word for us to decree and use as a prayer focus during this time of shaking! Last week the Lord led us to pray and prophesy several keys to the future. You can still watch a portion of that video: I Am in the Order of Shaking.

Psalm 61 says, "Hear my cry O God! Attend to my prayer! From the end of the earth I will cry to You. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I."

Father, we ask You for a new anointing to come into the earth realm to lead Your people into the place that is higher than they are right now. Take us to a higher place of safety, a higher place of vision, a higher place of confidence. Take us to the high places where the enemy rules and old worship structures have developed and been erected that are creating an atmosphere that is wrong in the earth realm. Take us to a higher place!

Let a cry rise up from Your people all over the earth. Let a cry come from Spain, Gibraltar... a cry that will rise up in Japan to the true God that says, "Lead us to a rock that is higher. Lead us to a place that we've not been in the Spirit." Let a cry arise from the Middle East that in the desert there is a rock for Your people to go to. Raise up the cry throughout the earth that rearranges the way that we are operating.

I have been praying Amos 7:4-6. The subheading in the Bible I have been reading is: "Vision of Fire." Many are afraid because of what happened in Japan and because of the "Ring of Fire" that circles the Pacific Ocean. This touches many nations, including the USA. We have seen Chile, New Zealand, and Japan shake violently this year. Seattle, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, California, and portions of Mexico could shake the same way.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Linsey Wallace "One" Promo

Im so excited to this album release! The first time we heard Linsey sing and play piano was leading worship with Mike and Penny Proctor at Elisha Request Ministries (Port Orchard, WA). Mike and Penny you are mother and father to a generation to see worship released as a lifestyle through the body of Christ. I am excited that Linsey has been given this opportunity largely due to your vision and ability to enocurage others X We love you guys x

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dream - The Olympic Peninsula, WA

This morning I woke from a short but very directive dream. Many of my dream I have are very symbolic and it takes some time of pondering what the meaning is. Usually the fullness is revealed from various sources over weeks months sometimes years.

The dream I woke from this morning was clear and today it was an honour to share the dream with the body and pray as instructed for the Olympic Peninsula were we live in Washington State.

DREAM:  March 20th 2011

I dreamed I was sat at the back of the sanctuary of the church my husband pastors in Silverdale, WA. I had the thought in the dream to ask them to pray for the leaders on the Peninsula. I saw myself walking to the front but pondering, was there a specific purpose? In the dream I was aware that we all knew it was biblical to pray for those with spiritual or governmental authority ( I Timothy 1 & 2).

As I woke I had the thoughts. 'If they will meet I will build them together like Mechano.' I thought to myself  'that was a strange thought'. I then decided I should look on the google to see what were the qualities of Mechano;  I knew it was a construction toy that boys often had for Christmas when I was a child, and that they spent hours building amazing designs, some copied, some self-invented.

One thing I realise now is that the construction Mechano is actually spelt Meccano, so I searched for the spelling of the word I first had in my head spelt like Mechano. When I typed it in the first thing that came up was 'Mechano Growth Factor' which is actually a 'growth hormone' that naturally exists in the body and promotes growth  below is an expert from the link.

'Scientists in the UK and Denmark have shown that if elderly men were given growth hormone and exercised their legs showed an appreciable muscle mass increase. Dr. Geoff Goldspink (Royal Free and University College Medical School, UK) says: "This raises the question: Can age-related loss of muscle strength and increased fragility be ameliorated by the therapeutic application of mechano growth factor (MGF)?". There is hope that MGF can also help sufferers of diseases such as muscular dystrophy, ALS, renal disease or cancer, for whom intensive exercise is not an option. It may even prove useful to ameliorate muscle loss resulting from long periods in zero-gravity conditions during space travel. Dr. Mark Lewis (University College London, UK) will present their latest results on how MGF exerts its effects during his talk at the Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in Glasgow on Wednesday 1st July 2009.

When muscles are stretched during exercise, they produce a specific substance known as mechano growth factor (MGF) that activates stem cells already present in the tissue. Once activated, these progenitor cells begin to divide, creating additional muscle fibres and increasing the size and strength of the muscle. In addition to intensive exercise, muscles need to be stimulated by growth hormone (GH) in order to release MGF. Since there is a natural decrease in the levels of this hormone as we age, this may combine with the lack of intensive physical activity to cause muscle wasting in elderly people. "The downside", warns Dr. Goldspink, "is that MGF has great potential for doping in sports. A synthetic version is already available over the internet, and although it is still very expensive, it is expected that new technologies will bring down the price to make it comparable to that of human insulin".'

I believe the Holy Spirit was saying that if the leaders would meet, He would cause the body of believers on the Peninsula to grow, and even where there had been atrophy (wasting) in the body, He would cause the body to be healed and grow in stature, in strength, in power and presence; all of the things that occur when a body processes MGF. This would be a supernatural dose though. Not some synthetic version (religious version) that body builders may use to create an impression of having a naturally strong body this would be the real deal. Straight from the throne room.

We were able to pray and we asked people to come and stand in place to represent the NESW of the region. The Holy Spirit was present in power. I was so excited..... Glorious God pour out your spirit here that the whole region will be ONE - STRONG, POWERFUL AND ATHLETIC IN BODY, BRINGING GLORY TO YOUR NAME, THAT IT WOULD GO OUT FROM THIS POCKET TO THE NATIONS.

Not sure how or where or when we should all meet but I guess we know in part and we just have to begin! What I do know in my heart is that another shift took  place today....... I was so amazed how the Holy Spirit reveals little mysteries

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Five Hot Pockets in this Nation! Hollywood, New York, Georgia, Chicago, Upper West Coast by Teresea Phillips

Five Hot Pockets in this Nation! Hollywood, New York, Georgia, Chicago, Upper West Coast by Teresea Phillips
Check this word out – The key portion that made my spirit leap is below!!!!!!!!!!!!! For obvious reasons we move continent to come here and looks like more of the mystery is enfolding……………….

‘There's another pocket, pocket five, in the upper west coast. Its face is toward Canada, and its feet are toward America. I am saying to you from this region there will be a great
revival! It'll be birthed from this region! All hail King Jesus! Go west, young man; go west, young woman! I'm telling you, God is raising up a band of people from the northwest area of North America, and there is going to be another pocket of revival where miracles, signs and wonders, miraculous healings and many are raised from the dead!

And the Lord said, "I'm going to teach you how to laugh at the Lord's
enemy when he comes up in your face! You're going to laugh at the Lord's enemy
when he comes in your face, and your laugh will be the flood I will raise
against his house."
Ha! Ha! Ha! I see the flame of Yah. I see this
flame, and it's filled with the color purple and the color blue. I'm about to
release into this assembly a spirit of revelation. There will be a destiny! You
will begin to revelate in your sleep, you will begin to revelate on the TV, you
will revelate on the computer, you will revelate talking. All of a sudden you
will say, "I don't know where that came from," and you will know that
it came from God because it is glory! It is God's Word.’

Now I sleep some..dream some, revelate some, thank you Lord !!!!!!!AWESOME GOD!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Beyond Cynicism: the Renewal of Prophetic Purity by Alfred Sergel

I was just sent this link from Jason Uptons website. This is sobering stuff??? There is much to consider at the moment about where God is call us as individuals and as a body of believers. I have not read the entire articel, yet but there is much to think about and comtemplate prayerfully over.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


My 5 year old daughter is so curious about heaven/ Jesus/ End Times/ everything biblical these days

Tonight I prayed with her before she went to sleep, this soon became a very in depth
discussion! Her concept of things is so clear! I do not usually pray these
prayers with her but felt led too tonight. I prayed and asked Jesus to forgive ‘me’
for being anxious sometimes and even causing my children to feel anxious
because of my own anxiety and fears about certain things. I asked Jesus to
please help me to trust him more and not be anxious about things, and my
children too.




She is so beautiful :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When Will Jesus Return?

I love my children so much! The other day my 5 year old asked me right out of the blue: 'Mum, when will Jesus return?' I said, Well I dont know but the Bible says, noone will know only God the time that is set for Jesus to return. In the next breath she said; " umm do you think the Google may know?"

I laughed so much! However, she was so curious as to why I laughed at her question. You see whenever she asks me a question and I dont know the answer, we usually decide to ask 'the google'. She usually cant wait until I get there, so just gets on the search engine and types in the things she knows and asks me to spell the things she doesnt know, then reads me the answers. Its so logical, so what is so funny.

Maybe we should ask the google anyway see what comes up... she is into eschatology as 5 years!!!

Even children are curious about these answers that we as adults have to acknowledge have been hidden for a good reason!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Fabric of His Love

On the morning of 3rd March 2003 (03-03-03) that is 8 years ago today. I recalled today I had set the day aside to pray and fast with many in the global church. That morning as I was writing an email I was suddenly overwhelmed with presense of the Holy Spirit. It was like hot oil just downloaded from the ceiling, filling me filling me filling me. The rest of the day I was in awe and wonder of Gods desire to be pursued by us and how he longs to connect with us in a very tangible way. I have posted below the article I wrote after I was drawn into this beautiful unexpected vision something that was a relatively new thing for me. One thing I know for sure, I am now always longing to experience Gods presense more than any encounter I know like I did that day. 

My prayer today is Lord release the fullness of your love again in my heart, that I may know you more and more, and connect with you, and be with you, and dine with you, and laugh with you, and cry with you.......... more Lord... More for the Global church let your Kingly reign flow from our lives...that your kingdom will come on earth as it is in heavan.  I love you so much My Jesus My saviour x...

on Monday 10.45am 03-03-03


I suddenly became aware of the fullness of the love of God it was so strong in me it was like hot oil. It was light and strong. Then I began to see along white roll of fabric and I sensed this represented the love of God. As I looked at the roll I knew it was on an endless roll and extended to eternity. The cloth was white and soft but also strong. I knew that as I followed the roll of fabric there were many more colours woven into this fabric. In fact, the Holy Spirit told me it was 'The fabric of his Love'. The other colours that I knew were there were purples, yellows, greens, and reds, the colours of the rainbow.

Even though I could only see the fabric as white, I was certain these colours were somewhat hidden. I then became aware that the spectrum of light is made up of the colours of the rainbow. And the word of God says 'God is Light' and 'God is Love.


I then asked the Lord to show me this in his word. I went to my Strongs concordance and looked for fabric but it wasn’t there! So I looked for love and followed it through the OT and NT searching into those scriptures that caught my eye. I looked up Colossians 2v2 (AMP) and felt that this was getting close.

'[For my concerns is] that their hearts may be braced (comforted, cheered and encouraged) as they are KNITTED TOGETHER IN LOVE, that they may come to have all abounding wealth and blessings of assured conviction, of understanding, and that they may become progressively more intimately acquainted with and may know more definitely and accurately and thoroughly the mystic secret of God. [which is] Christ (the Anointed One): Col 2v2 AMP

Then I came across my Message Bible and had the thoughts 'look up the fabric in the message Col 2v2' .  As I opened it up and read my heart was leaping as I read the words

'I WANT YOU WOVEN INTO THE TAPESTRY OF MY LOVE, in touch with everything there is to know of God. then you will have minds confident and at rest, focussed on Christ, God's great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. And we've been shown the mystery! .  .......'(Message Bible: Col 2v2).

He is still showing me more RE- 'He sees UNITY IN DIVERSITY': that’s how Christ longs for his body (true church- Christian vessels) to be seen by the world. He loves our diversity, we don’t all have to look white and pure to be part of the tapestry: We ARE white and pure in his love as we come together with all our idiosyncrasies. If one of the colours of the spectrum of light are missing we no longer have a pure white light. Just like when I saw the roll of white fabric, I could only see the white and not the other colours yet I knew they
were there, they were hidden in the overall fabric: LOVE. This is how the light of Christ also shines and reaches the darkest of places. I believe he was showing me that his light and his love are inseparable: when we shine his light, we show his love and visa versa.

When I got to work on Wednesday 05-03-03. I checked my email and had one from a brother at work RE- PRAYERS AND FASTING ON 03-03-03! It was sent on 28th February 2003 but i only opened it that moment.  The email had three recommendations for prayer themes from 'Pray Today' put forward by Ted Haggard,
Rick Ridings and Chuck Pierce. Here is the part of Ted Haggard’s request that caused my spirit to leap.  PRAYERFOCUS: .....Pray that this date, rather than being a focal point of darkness, will be overwhelmed by the light of God through the worldwide prayers of his people. When I read this prayer focus I knew that this was the Lord confirming that I had experienced the morning of 03-03-03 when I felt his love so strongly.

On 03-03-03 Gods love and light reached like a white fabric over the whole of the world as brothers and sisters of all colours, nations, economical and social background etc, came together to seek his face. We represented the Lord as a pure love as all our differences were hidden...His body on that day was shining globally in this dark world and covering it with the 'Fabric of his Love'


FABRIC: A woven material; a textile; other material resembling woven cloth; a structure or framework, esp.
the walls, floor, and roof of a building; (in abstract senses) the essential structure or essence of a thing (fabric of society).

SPECTRUM: The band ofcolours, as seen in a rainbow etc, arranged in a progressive series according
to their refrangibility or wavelength; the entire range of wavelength of electromagnetic radiation; an image or distribution of parts of electromagnetic radiation arranged in a progressive series according to wavelength; this as characteristic of a body or substance when emitting or absorbing radiation; a similar image or distribution of energy, mass, etc arranged according to frequency, charge, etc; the entire range or a whole range of anything arranged by degree or quality etc; (in full occular spectrum) an afterimage; spectrum analysis-chemical analysis by means of a spectroscope. [L,= image, apparition, look). CONCISE OXFORD DICTIONARY

Newport, Wales, UK