Japan: A Nation in Realignment! - Chuck D. Pierce

Dated March 29, 2011
Dear Steady Saints:
Here is a key prophetic word for us to decree and use as a prayer focus during this time of shaking! Last week the Lord led us to pray and prophesy several keys to the future. You can still watch a portion of that video: I Am in the Order of Shaking.
Psalm 61 says, "Hear my cry O God! Attend to my prayer! From the end of the earth I will cry to You. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Father, we ask You for a new anointing to come into the earth realm to lead Your people into the place that is higher than they are right now. Take us to a higher place of safety, a higher place of vision, a higher place of confidence. Take us to the high places where the enemy rules and old worship structures have developed and been erected that are creating an atmosphere that is wrong in the earth realm. Take us to a higher place!
Let a cry rise up from Your people all over the earth. Let a cry come from Spain, Gibraltar... a cry that will rise up in Japan to the true God that says, "Lead us to a rock that is higher. Lead us to a place that we've not been in the Spirit." Let a cry arise from the Middle East that in the desert there is a rock for Your people to go to. Raise up the cry throughout the earth that rearranges the way that we are operating.
I have been praying Amos 7:4-6. The subheading in the Bible I have been reading is: "Vision of Fire." Many are afraid because of what happened in Japan and because of the "Ring of Fire" that circles the Pacific Ocean. This touches many nations, including the USA. We have seen Chile, New Zealand, and Japan shake violently this year. Seattle, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, California, and portions of Mexico could shake the same way.
"I Have Called You to Rearrange the Nations"
The Lord says, "I am in the order of shaking. Stand with Me for the enemy would love to shake things out of My time. The shaking is key to the next three years. I am rearranging the economies of the earth. I am moving My people into a new order and realigning the nations. The enemy would change times and laws. My people must rise up and not cry out of their fears, but pray out of the call that I am extending to them this hour.
"I have made you a nation above all nations and I have called YOU to rearrange the nations and to rearrange My Kingdom plan in the earth. I have called YOU to build Kingdom businesses and realign Kingdom processes. I have called YOU to present yourselves in gatherings like you have not seen before. Church as it was known was very prosperous on My behalf, and has brought many in to a spiritual enlightenment. Now Church as you know it is shifting. I will build a new Church.
"However, you will only receive My plan when your hand receives Kingdom keys that will unlock My vault of mysteries for this hour. The Kingdom keys will unlock your entry way into the season ahead. The locks of Heaven are changing, just as in the Panama Canal, when the locks change. I'm bringing in a different order and bringing in a different way. I'm bringing in ships full of revelation at this time for My people. This is the building material for the future. These are Kingdom ships that look differently than any ships you have seen. Things are changing at this time, and it is you who must align with Me.
Amos 7:4 says, "Thus the Lord God showed me; behold the Lord God called for conflict by fire and it consumed the great deep and devoured the territory."
Father, we lift up that portion of Japan that was devoured, that the deep rose up and devoured, the territory that shook and was rearranged, that many lives were not prepared for and many lives were cut short in. Lord, we ask for Your eye to come down on that area. Amos 7:5-6 continues, "Then I said, 'O Lord God, CEASE, I pray. O that Jacob may stand, for he is small.' So the Lord relented concerning this. 'This also shall not be,' saith the Lord."
"If You Will Shout, 'Cease', Then I Will Cease"
"Ask for a time of ceasing. Stand with Me, and the enemy will not be able to enter now and shake places that I am not ready to shake. Ask for a time of ceasing until people can reorder the way that they operate and My Kingdom plan will go forth. Shout, 'Cease!' If you will shout, 'Cease', then I will 'Cease' and the enemy will cease his plan to bring demise to innocent ones who are not prepared. Prepare now, so that you can shout! The shout of the Lord is in you. I have placed My shout deep within. If you shout from your depths, I can calm the deep! For My love in My people is deeper than the ocean. That loves calms fears and heals breaches!
"All that My people and My prophets can do is agree with Me. They should not put their hand to steady things! That is what Uzzah did. Uzzah put his hand to steady something that needed to be put on a new platform. I am recreating platforms that can carry My Presence into the future. Ask Me to reorder what needs to be reordered! This will prevent the enemy from creating conflict and chaos. I am not ready for that level of conflict and chaos to arise.
"This is a reprieve and a ceasing that I am decreeing from Heaven. If you will go to war for the reprieve, I will give you time to rebuild a platform that won't shake loose. I will give you time to rebuild what would make you sink in days ahead. What you're building on now will not withstand the next season ahead. Evaluate your building plan and revisions and communicate with Me. If you will do this, then what I shake in days ahead will not shake what you are building! Receive grace in this time!"
Below is the Latest Update from Ron Sawka, Arise International, in Sendai, Japan
Dated March 29, 2011
Greetings From Japan!
Thank you for continuing to pray for us and stand with us. The Lord definitely wants us to believe for a shifting and turning in this nation.
Yesterday, Day 17, electricity was restored. The first week we only had candles. The next week we had a generator. And now we have full power again! Since 17 is the number signifying "victory," I see this as a prophetic sign that somehow this disaster will result in great victory for Japan. One immediate effect is the concentration of attention on prayer for Japan. It truly is a privilege to see how Christians around the world are responding with concern, finances, and a desire to come and help. In addition is a great intercession for this nation, which is helping to shift and turn it. What the enemy meant for evil, the Lord is using for good (see Genesis 50:20).
After The Earthquake - How To Pray For Japan
I feel we are in a very critical window where Japan can be turned. –Barbara Yoder
1. Pray against more devastation! Last week Chuck Pierce shared from Amos 7:4-6, "...Cease, I pray, that Jacob may stand." The aftershocks continue, often several times a day. Rather than just endure it, I command them to cease. I like what C. Peter Wagner said, "God did not cause the natural disasters; satan and his forces did. They came to steal, kill and destroy."
2. Nuclear Radiation. We are all surprised that the nuclear reactors are an ongoing problem. I expected it to be resolved by now. But the Lord obviously knew this would be an issue. Dale Mast recently shared how he saw an angel released to prevent disaster at the nuclear plant. A contact in Russia (connected to Arise 5) saw a vision in which the Lord was putting His hand on the nuclear reactor to calm the situation. Let's continue to stand against damage from nuclear radiation.
3. Christians carry the glory and presence of God into the relief situation. As I mentioned earlier, it truly is amazing to see Christians responding so quickly. Within hours of the disaster, many began to mobilize. By the second day, teams from other areas in Japan were arriving in Sendai with food and supplies. I did a telephone interview for BBC Radio last week, and felt the Lord gave me more insight into why He so quickly sends Christians to bring "relief." It is not just food and blankets, but Christians also carry the presence of the Lord.
That is the main calling of all Christians everywhere – we carry the presence of God wherever we go. It's His presence that changes things; that brings healing, hope, and new frames of mind. Let's pray that the presence of God gets stronger and stronger through the relief workers.
Arise 5 Relief Efforts
Keep praying for Arise 5 and the Sendai-based relief efforts. Micah and Ayako Lawrence continue to work and coordinate with Samaritan's Purse (Franklin Graham) in the distribution of relief goods. Also, a team from IRIS (Heidi Baker) arrived this week. They are coordinating with Mike and Rachel (Sawka) overall, and with Jeremy and Kumiko Jenkins in Sendai.
I feel that many new strategies will begin to arise. Keep praying. I feel our attention is to be focused on Japan for this next season. In addition to physical needs, relief teams, and healing of the nation, let's also pray for the necessary new strategies and ministries to be birthed and to rise up.
Ron Sawka
Arise International
Submitted from Chuck Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Email: chuckp@glory-of-zion.org
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