Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I was just quietly laying awake not doing much sleeping tonight and was contemplating some discussions and thoughts I have had that are on my heart these last few days. 'There seem to be two camps or groups'

Camp 1 - Secular Community Workers

Those who are full steam ahead doing community works for Jesus yet without realising it are establishing 'their' name as a christian (follower of Jesus) in the community. 
This group are often quite 'anti church' and even the mention of the fact that church still happens not only every Sunday in most cities as a public assembly, a place of connecting 'one brother and sister with another'  the very mention of the word 'church' to them is almost a catalyst for the conversation to enter a 'crooked road', and an explanation for every reason why church is not relevant anymore e.g. ' I can be a Christian in the community without the politics of church, without the pastor running the show from the top,' etc etc etc etc.

Camp 2 - Church Goers
Then you have the 'church goers' entering the 'crooked road' debate of how it is biblical to go to church and meet as a public assembly quoting scriptures like ' do not stop meeting together' and any who are not in a 'regular church' are 'back sliding', 'loose cannons' etc etc etc.


I have wondered as I have been looking in hindsite as I have been travelling this 'open road' where infact I stake my place. I see many things that make me excited and sad with both groups.

Community Bias

Those who are venturing out into community expressions of church, i.e. using their gifting in their professions in their community, working for local government etc walking the talk, BEING a light this excites me, ( the Holy Spirit layed a community vision on my heart in 2001 for my home city in Newport Wales UK, ). Granted, these acts in the workplace often take place without ever publicly mentioning their faith, can make an amazing impact, yet there seems to be a tendency with this group to not enter into the expectations of healing miracles signs and wonders for healing, say by offering prayer in a public way, or 'stepping out in faith' as it is known to many.

As I have watched been a part of local government and worked as a sport development officer for 9 years until recently I will make an observation here. I see that many times this 'avoidance' has been a 'cover' for many Christians in this first group who are actually embarrassed of their faith due to the church not having much influence in the community for far too long, and any suggestion that they have a faith that is connected in anyway to this 'lifeless bunch of ineffective believers', would actually put them in a place to have to 'stand'. When I say stand I mean stand for WHO they believe in and have faith in, rather than WHAT they are doing for who they believe in.  It seems to me also at times this way of 'evangelising' (whoops - dare I use that 'churchy' word in any connection with this group??) is also a cover for those who have not moved in the power gifts of the spirit and become 'disilllusionsed' so have found a more 'subtle' way to engage in community acts of love for Jesus sake. For this group this is church in the community without the politics and from what I see largely with out a desire to see any demonstrations of signs wonders and miracles for healing or deliverance or salvation. Yes believe for financial or promotional miracles for more of a say in the community but often a very diluted version of the gospel of the great commission is also acceptable there too.

Church Bias

And then there is group two: the church goers. Many in this  group are happy with the 'status quo' no change is good change, and no news of dirty homeblissed people coming into the clean church sanctuary, is good news. Maybe their bible is different to mine but mine says - Jesus is goodnews and He was about BEING the good news - healing the sick - saving the unsaved, in the synagogue and outside.

Programmes and more programmes are no good without vision and insight from the Holy Spirit. It seems many have started off in the Spirit and then gone off doing their own thing and the whole vision dies and the whole body dies with it as they begin to walk in dead religious acts, as the bible says  'My people die or perish for lack of vision'.

Within this group there is also a core, who are seeking after the things of the Spirit and pushing to move into the new 'dimensions' God has for the coming move in the Spirit that everyone is praying for. Yet how many of these Spirit Seekers' are praying for their brothers and sisters who are too exhausted or exasperated with church antics and barely can get to church never mind function in fresh vision, and their low level of motivation for change and breakthrough is often a stumbling block for their local church to advance. 

My question is - how important are these people to Jesus. To see people set free from the bonds of religious acts is no small thing.

What if the 'church goers' group pray as much for those who are struggling to advance and make a transition from local church to Global Kingdom mentality? How much more fun and freedom would there be in their church. That religious spirit is a killer like a weed on a flower.

Many churches despite the above have advanced to see a fresh expression  of the Spirit and see and expect and release many young -middling-old into kingdom exploits.

So is the church relevant?

If not maybe we should all just 'leave' and be radical reformers doing signs and wonders in Jesus name and not have anything to do with 'church' or church structure.

Sounds weird doesn't it, but that is how radically opposed, some people are to the workings of the church and their meeting as a body today. These are often 'seasoned' Christians, saved, born again etc. Yet, its funny, even those who are gifted as teachers, or evangelists, prophets etc from this group, still tend to gravitate towards a 'pulpit' to preach from - which largely looks like the internet and largely it evetually results in the forming of some physical group, who they can connect with and someone leads it, and they worship and they prophesy, and expect miracles, and move in the gifts.... but its not church.......... or is it.... well it sure sounds like church to me.

Dialogue with My Jesus

You know I have sort of settled this in my heart in these last few weeks. My husband and I were clearly called to come to the USA and he Pastor a church here in January 2010. Every door opened but that is another posting. Through this process I have been speaking with the Holy Spirit and enquring of Jesus often in silent pensiver prayers, and sharing my heartache - Where is the church going in these days? and Why have you called me ( I cant speak for my husband here this is my heart :) ) to be in the local church, if it is all supposed to be so irrelevant in this new shape you are creating?

Dont you remember God, I was born again with fire in my heart and am at heart an evangelist, so wouldn't I be more suited in one of these crazy type 'fluid' churches with no leader and everyone being free to go or not to go and no-one questioning anything if you not there or there?

The answer is obviously NO! We are called to the USA for my husband to work fulltime pastor a church in this season. That is for me and my husband of course, at this time in our journey.

 God planted us here, in a church, to advance His purposes with this body of believers. If He called us, He also has a purpose and it IS His will. I mean, I prayed for sure, if you want to close the door to us moving nation that's fine by me. I know this is His will - for us at this point.

Finally, as I have typed and thought and deleted and added, I have felt excitement and frustration as not being able to verbalise and express the depth of what is happening in the body of Christ, in many of the groups (there are probably more that two groups and sub groups but my brain cant break it down further than this at the moment.)

I feel a sadness in my heart that often which ever group we connect with we see our 'call' or 'position' more relevant than the other groups, with various views of the current christian church/kingdom.

My heart here today is that we would each try not to judge or measure a standard by looking at each other, but love and support and encourage one another, even when we don't understand a brothers point of view. That we can be effective by looking to Jesus and being effective where he has planted us, and are happy doing his will as He continues to shape his body into a healthy vessel to carry his glory. If we are in His will no work is greater than another each according to his measure of faith.

This word below I read before I just wrote the above and it encapsulates my heart beat at this time. I so was encouraged by this word.

                    October 6, 2010

Chuck D. Pierce:
"Watch the Rearrangement of Islands, for Islands Will Not Just Shake But Be Rearranged"
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We've been hearing much about a new movement coming for the Body. We are really on the brink of a new and big move of God. Below is a profound, prophetic word by my friend, Chuck Pierce. This word was given during his yearly Head of the Year conference. God is really moving things, rearranging and blending – to create unity and bring His next big move.
Check out these awesome resources by Chuck Pierce. Believe me, you need to get them.
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


Chuck D. Pierce:
"Watch the Rearrangement of Islands, for Islands Will Not Just Shake But Be Rearranged"

Here is a recent key word that was spoken by the Spirit of the Lord at our Head of the Year conference:
"If you'll move with Me, you'll shine with Me. Move and shine! Move and shine! Watch Me position you and knit you together. You know not where I blow, so learn the winds of change and move with Me. You will change. You will change! I change not. But you will change!
"I'm changing the way My people move. I'm extending a call from Heaven to move. Move with Me. I'm not telling you to have a move. I'm just saying the movement has begun, so move with Me! Make your turns with Me. Don't stay going just the way you're going. Turn with Me. Turn with Me for I am making a turn in your river.
"Feel the wind blow around your feet, for you've been in places where your peace has escaped you. If you'll receive My wind around your feet, you'll walk in peace in a new way. Let the wind circle your feet. Allow Me to lift you above that which you've cemented in.
"I am creating and readying to cast My net for harvest. You are creating the movement of My net so I know where to cast it. Move with Me and as you move, My net will be released. If you want to see harvest brought in, you must create the movement of the net where it is to be cast.
Watch the Arrangement of the Islands
"I will be speaking in many languages. I will be speaking in the language of movement – movement of the water, movement of the sea, movement of the wind, movement in your own body. Listen for the sound of the movement. The islands of the seas will have a new wave to carry the sound of My glory.
"Watch the rearrangement of islands, for islands will not just shake but be rearranged. Some islands you've not seen will appear. Some that have been will be no longer. Watch the rearrangement of islands for no longer will anyone be an island to themselves. Some will say, 'This island that I have been on has been my life and been my home.' But now you will be connected in a new way.
"Many of you have refused to become part of a mainland. No longer will you be independent in your expression and culture but you will blend in a new way with Me. You'll move with Me. Some who have been an island will now have to learn how to blend with the overall structure of My society called 'ecclesia' and 'Kingdom'. You will now learn the culture of the Kingdom. No longer can your gift remain independent. You will have to integrate, integrate, integrate. This is a time of integration. You will begin to look the way I have destined you to look.
"Movements will now blend and I will create a wind of the blend of the movements. Many movements have remained segregated, but now I will integrate movements. Movements in days ahead will no longer be of man but of Me. A divine integration is penetrating the earth. No longer can you remain an island to yourself."
You Have Never Been This Close Before
"Every place you have prayer walked, I will send a wind. Heaven is meeting earth and the wind of the Spirit in each of you is rising up. This is a prophetic act – the wind of change will be loosed on the earth. Reach up. I am here to raise you up. This has never happened before. You have never been this close before. Press! Press! You will know what to do with My power. You will know what to do with My Spirit. I have watched you for 20 years. I have found a people who will move with Me, who will listen to Me, who will walk with Me that I can invade the earth.
"You are witnessing the creation of the next move of missions throughout the earth. I have held every place that I have asked you to tread to be blown on by Me. Now all of a sudden as faith arises from earth, Heaven will respond with My wind. This will create Spirit action in the earth. Strongholds will fall and transformation will begin!"
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries


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