Monday, October 15, 2018

'You Have My Favour On Your Life, But You Can't Always Clean Up All The Mess' September 17th 2017

This evening I was walking 'TIPSY' our dog at The Creek trail. It was raining pouring as I worshipped in song and singing especially. 
Jesus I exalt you and declare you are king, 
standing here in the midst of us, 
I lift you up with my praise.
And as I worship, build your throne
And as I worship, build your throne
And as I worship, build your throne
Come Lord Jesus and take your place.
Over and again I sang, then the same tune with tongues of fire hahaha....Then into prayer for family situation and Florida, Texas, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Carribean, Earthquake and Hurricane hit regions...Lord have mercy... A song of the Lord came forth declaring 

'Lord, send forth your missionaries, 
Your love to show and share,
And the releasing of resources, 
So practically they may know God cares' 
It went on awhile as you can imagine! 
Tipsy decided to poop, so there I am, scoop poop bag, pouring rain middle of grassy path at creek. However, she pooped just in the long grass (keep following, Ill explain). It was a measly effort, and as I tried to clean up the mess from the long grass, I quickly realised it was not going to happen. 
Feeling a little rebellious I left it. Now at the sametime as I began to stand up, I had a random thought, "Check that pile of clover and you'll find a four leaf clover" 

BACK TRACK: This happened about four years ago, when I was mowing the church field. I was really upset as the church sit on mower was broken and I had to cut the whole field with a walk along. I felt abandoned with no help and was well into the 'spirit of complaining' by then when I had a random thought, 'See that pile of clover, if you look you'll find a four leaf clover' I knew then this was so random it had to be Holy Spirit.
I looked and there indeed was a four leaf clover. I was well and truly stunned. I carried that clover all the rest of the day, as I cut the whole field with a new spring in my step. Wondering why would God show me that? As far as I was aware, four leaves meant luck, and as a Christian I did not believe in luck! 
When I got in that day, I put the clover on a bookshelf, and when I went back to take a photo later, some keys had been placed on it and one leaf had broken off. I was so upset when my husband said, "Well stick it back on and take a photo", but I knew it was too late, the moment had passed and it would have looked fake if I had done that. As I walked away, moping about the broken fouth leaf, Holy Spirit spoke to my heart again. I had researched and found out that the four leaves stood for 1)Faith  2) Love  3) Hope  and 4) Luck. Some said, Father, Son , Holy Spirit was for three leaves. His words so clear as I walked away:

" You have faith hope and love you dont need luck. What the world calls luck, I call favour. You have my favour" 

Boom! I was ecstatic... One word from the Kings presence and you are free! 


So as I contemplated the last time this had happened, I knew God was trying to get my attention again. I mean, how random to be told to check the grass in the middle of the pouring rain for a four leaf clover, and to actually find one straight away! Thats not coincidence thats a true 'Godincidence' for certain. So tonight as I was wondering again, then came the moment of clarity!

"You have my favour on your life, but you cant always clean up ALL the mess"

You know in the last few days I have had some sad news from three different sources, and sometimes I feel like, if I was there I could fix it, I could make it better etc. You know how it goes, we have all done it. However, today I believe God went to unusual lengths to free me from the burden of false responsibility. Sometimes, its not our job to clean up every mess, and sometimes our trying can sometimes makes things worse ( just like the dogs poop). Sometimes we just have to let redemption takes it course, to work and move in situations until the mess is no more. 
SO REMEMBER FOLKS: As a child of the living God. You DO walk and carry Gods favour, but that doesn't mean you have to clean up every mess that comes your way.
Claire Lampan
Silverdale, WA

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