Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sweet Wind - David Ruis

I posted this song on the blog on Pentecost Sunday 2011- Strange that as I was looking for the 'We Can Ride' song I then came across the above song, that I also remember from my days as a baby Christian ( I was born again 1995) Many of these songs were brought forth from the revivals taking place in the USA and other nations. I played the song all evening along with Ride with Me.. I was so excited again remembering the days when I knew no politics of church, and no 'is this God or not God' It just seemed all so much fun around these people. I felt determined to experience this and more than this again as I worshipped, sang and romanced My Jesus.

On Monday morning I was sat at the computer, and heard a sudden howling wind... I looked out of the window and the trees at the back of our house were silvery white. As I looked at the wind, it was so strong, I could only see the underside of the leaves. I thought this strange as the day was calm with no cloud and no wind until that moment... Weird I thought...

Then I remembered the night before when I had been singing 'Oh Sweet Wind will Blow you over me' I sensed in my spirit the Lord was saying... He is here Like He promised and I will ride with him and I will know once again the power and majesty of His mighty rushing wind...

I shared this with a Lover of Jesus at our church and he sent this reply:

Yeah, I went on a break at work on Mon.   Quite often.  I will sit in my car, and seek my Lord.  I will see the wind rustle the leaves in the bushes and the trees. I have always thought, Yes , I thank you Lord.  A moment of  a reminder that He is here.  He hears our call to Him.
But on Monday,  The break I took was about 11: 40 am. The wind came up and was very strong.  You could hear the sound before the leaves even began to move on the trees.  It was different.   No clouds that would usually describe the type of wind to me,  could see no beginning, but could see the end.  The wind was from S to North I believe.  It seemed to end across the street.   The trees near the freeway, and near some of the homes were untouched.  
The sound got my attention. IN my spirit,I really felt something was different.  Some way, somehow, I took this as an answer to prayer. I was thinking about the song, Holy And Anointed one,  and will we ride. I realized that so many times, I say yes, but I hesitate.

I am believe this is just another confirmation... We are about to enter into a something HOLY and FIERCE.... the wind and fire of the Holy Spirit has not left... He is just stoking up for some more Holy Fun and Frolics.....  Thank Jesus for signs in the heavens and the earth X

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