This morning I woke from a short but very directive dream. Many of my dream I have are very symbolic and it takes some time of pondering what the meaning is. Usually the fullness is revealed from various sources over weeks months sometimes years.
The dream I woke from this morning was clear and today it was an honour to share the dream with the body and pray as instructed for the Olympic Peninsula were we live in Washington State.
DREAM: March 20th 2011
I dreamed I was sat at the back of the sanctuary of the church my husband pastors in Silverdale, WA. I had the thought in the dream to ask them to pray for the leaders on the Peninsula. I saw myself walking to the front but pondering, was there a specific purpose? In the dream I was aware that we all knew it was biblical to pray for those with spiritual or governmental authority ( I Timothy 1 & 2).
As I woke I had the thoughts.
'If they will meet I will build them together like Mechano.' I thought to myself 'that was a strange thought'. I then decided I should look on the google to see what were the qualities of Mechano; I knew it was a construction toy that boys often had for Christmas when I was a child, and that they spent hours building amazing designs, some copied, some self-invented.
One thing I realise now is that the construction Mechano is actually spelt Meccano, so I searched for the spelling of the word I first had in my head spelt like Mechano. When I typed it in the first thing that came up was 'Mechano Growth Factor' which is actually a 'growth hormone' that naturally exists in the body and promotes growth below is an expert from the link.
'Scientists in the UK and Denmark have shown that if elderly men were given growth hormone and exercised their legs showed an appreciable muscle mass increase. Dr. Geoff Goldspink (Royal Free and University College Medical School, UK) says: "This raises the question: Can age-related loss of muscle strength and increased fragility be ameliorated by the therapeutic application of mechano growth factor (MGF)?". There is hope that MGF can also help sufferers of diseases such as muscular dystrophy, ALS, renal disease or cancer, for whom intensive exercise is not an option. It may even prove useful to ameliorate muscle loss resulting from long periods in zero-gravity conditions during space travel. Dr. Mark Lewis (University College London, UK) will present their latest results on how MGF exerts its effects during his talk at the Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in Glasgow on Wednesday 1st July 2009.
When muscles are stretched during exercise, they produce a specific substance known as mechano growth factor (MGF) that activates stem cells already present in the tissue. Once activated, these progenitor cells begin to divide, creating additional muscle fibres and increasing the size and strength of the muscle. In addition to intensive exercise, muscles need to be stimulated by growth hormone (GH) in order to release MGF. Since there is a natural decrease in the levels of this hormone as we age, this may combine with the lack of intensive physical activity to cause muscle wasting in elderly people. "The downside", warns Dr. Goldspink, "is that MGF has great potential for doping in sports. A synthetic version is already available over the internet, and although it is still very expensive, it is expected that new technologies will bring down the price to make it comparable to that of human insulin".'
I believe the Holy Spirit was saying that if the leaders would meet, He would cause the body of believers on the Peninsula to grow, and even where there had been atrophy (wasting) in the body, He would cause the body to be healed and grow in stature, in strength, in power and presence; all of the things that occur when a body processes MGF. This would be a supernatural dose though. Not some synthetic version (religious version) that body builders may use to create an impression of having a naturally strong body this would be the real deal. Straight from the throne room.
We were able to pray and we asked people to come and stand in place to represent the NESW of the region. The Holy Spirit was present in power. I was so excited..... Glorious God pour out your spirit here that the whole region will be ONE - STRONG, POWERFUL AND ATHLETIC IN BODY, BRINGING GLORY TO YOUR NAME, THAT IT WOULD GO OUT FROM THIS POCKET TO THE NATIONS.
Not sure how or where or when we should all meet but I guess we know in part and we just have to begin! What I do know in my heart is that another shift took place today....... I was so amazed how the Holy Spirit reveals little mysteries