Two points in the book rang out so loud that I could hardly hold the book, without wanted to grab someone and tell them. However, it is 1.45am so I decided it best to get up add it to the blog and follow up tomorrow.
1) Mention of - The Old Road - Chapter 2
2) Mention of William Wallace - Braveheart Warrior - last page - 62
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Setting the scene for this renewed excitement
This summer I was asked to speak at a Latter Glory Gathering at the AOG church my husband pastors in Silverdale, WA. I was really battling as I had just a week to prepare and didn't really feel like I had anything to share. I even tried to palm the opportunity off to my husband saying, "You can do it if you like?" "a week is easy for you." Thankfully he refused and made sure I took the opportunity to share about something. He was confident God would lay something on my heart during the week.
I shared on the Word that was the motivation for beginning this blog - I am Accelerating Your Destiny not because my husband refused to speak for me, because God spoke to me clearly from my daily reading when I got back to my quiet place! I felt compelled to turn to my daily reader for the day I had been ask to speak and it stated in the intro - Make sure you speak..... etc. There was no way to squeeze out of that one, as now I knew it was a Godincidence.
The problem was I felt compelled to share about the part of the word where its says: God would make the crooked path straight. So I not only knew I had to preached, I also had to have a stab at a bit of teaching too... scary but I knew I had too. We have become so overcome by this 'qualifying Spirit' in the body of Christ, that I too was battling of whether or not 'I was up to standard' to get up there and share my heart. Now there's a clue, share your heart; if it is from the heart and you do what you can God will take you to, and will even amaze you at what you find out!
Well I found my text as soon as I opened the bible Jeremiah 6 v 16 - 21
'Stand at the cross roads and look, ask for the ancient paths ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will receive rest for your souls, but you said 'we will not walk in it' Therefore this is what the Lord says I will put obstacles before this people, Fathers and sons alike will stumble over neighbours and friends will perish'
Oh Yikes! How do you bring that in a positive way?
My first question was:
1)Are we willing for our friends and neighbours to perish because of our disobedience, mixed with the suggestion - We can invoke a blessing or a curse to a region.
2) The Open Road - Is it a Straight Road with Bends? Now I was led to Isaiah 40 v 3-5
'The voice of one crying in the wilderness
"Prepare the Way of the Lord,
make straight in the desert
a highway for our God
Every valley shall be exalted
Every mountain and hill shall be made low
The crooked places shall be made straight
and the rough places smooth
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed
and all mankind together will see it
for the mouth of the Lord has spoken
I did my Strong's word search and was amazed what the study revealed for the numbers.
Crooked #H6121 = aqob; translates as 3 different words in the King James Bible : Isaiah 40 v 4 - Crooked, Jeremiah 17 v 9 - Deceitful, Hosea 6 v 8 - Polluted. Amazing uh!
Straight #H3474 = myshor; translates as: a level/ a plain/a concord, or justice-equity, or even plain, or righteously, made straight, uprightness.
The summary quote from notes: In the midst of pollution or deceitfulness or crookedness, God is going to clear a way and make a way to journey straight thought it all.
This IS the open road - a road of opportunity, journeying with Jesus (he is the way), destiny, kairos acceleration.
I proposed some more question - Do YOU Want an accelerated destiny on the Open Road? Where is the Open Road?
My answers were simple. The Way is in us, The Holy Spirit is our Tom Tom (Sat Nav)
Prayer to close... Let us ask the Father/Son/ Holy Spirit to reveal the ancient path, the open road for our lives.
The Pioneering Spirit
As I read page 12-13 in Dutch's book I read 'The prophet Jeremiah lamented the fallen condition of Israel centuries ago. Like America today, complacency and idolatry had overtaken the nation. His admonition to them was , Go stand at the crossroads and look around. Ask for directions to the old road, the tired and true road. Then take it" (Jeremiah 6v16, The Message)
America has lost its way. We have deviated from the old road and are wandering aimlessly in the wilderness of godless humanism and moral relativism. Our nation leaders are drunk with power and dizzied with deception. Our spiritual leaders, like a GPS that cannot connect to a satellite, are without direction.......'
As I read those words my spirit lept with JOY!!!! Obviously not because of the state of America, because of the word I had clumsily attempted to share in the summer was confirmed before my very eyes, but not to individuals to a nation.
And to finish Dutch speaks about Hollywood and William Wallace - a famed Scottish freedom fighter from centuries past in Page 62
Hollywood unwittingly prophesies to us again! What poignant words and, sad for us, true of America today. "Make them lazy with luxury and complacent with comfort. Promise them fortunes while you steal their freedom!"
This must end! A generation of cause-minded pioneers must arise and declare "we will fight!" As Wallace declared, "They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!" We will build on our God-given history in America and we will fulfill our God given assignment. We will find the old path and take it back to our beginning as "one nation under God" and a nation whose trust was in that God.
We will find it because ... we are pioneers.
The William Wallace Anointing (Braveheart)
About 8 years ago I was thinking of doing a 40 day fast for France and picked up a DVD on Joan of Arc - The Messenger. They also had an offer 'buy one get one free' videos - Cinderella and Brave Heart so I got them both. This was new territory for me as I had 'cleansed my eyes' from violence in films as best I could since becoming a Christian, after all the eyes gates are the windows to the soul. As I watched the Braveheart movie and the story of how William Wallace fought for freedom in Scotland, I was horrified at the violence and not sure my daughter should be watching it either.
About a week later I was flicking through the channels and spotted a period movie and camped there for a while. As I was watching it I said "I think Ive seen this before." My daughter says "Its Braveheart, we watched it earlier this week....duh" Suddenly I became more interested and my response was this: God is showing me something through this, its OK!
I then went to a worship night at a local church that Saturday evening and was prayed for by a local prophet. As he prayed for me he said. Release the Shout Lord, Release the William Wallace Anointing and began to shout "Freedom" I was amazed once again as he had no idea about the Braveheart theme laid on my heart, and I would not have known who Wallace was if I hadnt seen the movie!
Why did I share this story? ...because once again tonight, I have confirmed in my spirit, I am called to be a PIONEER....and YOU ARE TOO.
I do know this much, that I have allowed all the pollution of the status quo to silence me, but this day I make a stand. 'THE SHOUT IS COMING OUT' FREEDOM! WHATEVER THAT COST MAYBE
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