Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Enjoying the Glory one year on - My Friend Cherie
Elijah having a cuddle with Auntie Cherie |
Cherie looking pensive - June 2009 |
Cherie savouring the moment..she loved my children x |
My friend Cherie graduated to Glory one year ago today after a long 4 year battle with cancer. Today I want to honour her as a wonderful friend who loved my children and was a crazy woman of God... She was such an evangelist at heart and her longing was to be where the outreaches were.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
We Love Christmas..................YAY!!!!
We had such fun today celebrating Christmas and sharing gifts..... What a special time it is for children and childlike adults too :) . Here are some fun snaps from our first family Christmas in the USA.
Christmas Eve at Chucke Cheese - I'm getting brave mum! |
'Just checking Bob doesn't need a tissue' |
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Pioneer Spirit - Dutch Sheets
Two points in the book rang out so loud that I could hardly hold the book, without wanted to grab someone and tell them. However, it is 1.45am so I decided it best to get up add it to the blog and follow up tomorrow.
1) Mention of - The Old Road - Chapter 2
2) Mention of William Wallace - Braveheart Warrior - last page - 62
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Setting the scene for this renewed excitement
This summer I was asked to speak at a Latter Glory Gathering at the AOG church my husband pastors in Silverdale, WA. I was really battling as I had just a week to prepare and didn't really feel like I had anything to share. I even tried to palm the opportunity off to my husband saying, "You can do it if you like?" "a week is easy for you." Thankfully he refused and made sure I took the opportunity to share about something. He was confident God would lay something on my heart during the week.
I shared on the Word that was the motivation for beginning this blog - I am Accelerating Your Destiny not because my husband refused to speak for me, because God spoke to me clearly from my daily reading when I got back to my quiet place! I felt compelled to turn to my daily reader for the day I had been ask to speak and it stated in the intro - Make sure you speak..... etc. There was no way to squeeze out of that one, as now I knew it was a Godincidence.
The problem was I felt compelled to share about the part of the word where its says: God would make the crooked path straight. So I not only knew I had to preached, I also had to have a stab at a bit of teaching too... scary but I knew I had too. We have become so overcome by this 'qualifying Spirit' in the body of Christ, that I too was battling of whether or not 'I was up to standard' to get up there and share my heart. Now there's a clue, share your heart; if it is from the heart and you do what you can God will take you to, and will even amaze you at what you find out!
Well I found my text as soon as I opened the bible Jeremiah 6 v 16 - 21
'Stand at the cross roads and look, ask for the ancient paths ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will receive rest for your souls, but you said 'we will not walk in it' Therefore this is what the Lord says I will put obstacles before this people, Fathers and sons alike will stumble over neighbours and friends will perish'
Oh Yikes! How do you bring that in a positive way?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
In 2002 in Newport, South Wales UK, I received a vision from the Holy Spirit which led to a season of many more connecting words of knowledge and visions.Today I was just looking for an article and came across the word I wrote below. I feel it is time to post it on the blog. The initial vision I wrote down at a time I was supposed to have been on a free holiday in Barbados, while my daughter had her alternate Christmas with her dad. The holiday fell through and I spent the time worshipping the Lord for hours at a time, not just to kick the devil into the touch line and out of the game, but to be with the Lord. In those few weeks, I discovered treasures I would not trade for anything, not even that holiday in Barbados!!!!!!
So, I wrote 'Golden Jubilee In Wales' in 2002; at the time I was a single parent of my beautiful 13 year old daughter, and had been a single parent for 10 years. Yet, God had given me a promise, that even as I was the most unlikely candidate, struggling in every possible way, I would marry a 'prince' and God would bless my life beyond belief. I constantly see this promise this being fulfilled before my eyes.
Today, 8 years on, I have been married to my 'prince' for 7 years and I have two more beautiful children. We have recently moved from Wales UK, to the Pacific Northwest (USA) where my husband now pastors a church.
Today I am posting the origins of the Cinderella vision revealed to me and the parallels I believe are taking place as the 'True' Church of Jesus Christ rises up.
I now believe this is a Global vision of the Church and not something limited to Wales and UK.
So, I wrote 'Golden Jubilee In Wales' in 2002; at the time I was a single parent of my beautiful 13 year old daughter, and had been a single parent for 10 years. Yet, God had given me a promise, that even as I was the most unlikely candidate, struggling in every possible way, I would marry a 'prince' and God would bless my life beyond belief. I constantly see this promise this being fulfilled before my eyes.
Today, 8 years on, I have been married to my 'prince' for 7 years and I have two more beautiful children. We have recently moved from Wales UK, to the Pacific Northwest (USA) where my husband now pastors a church.
Today I am posting the origins of the Cinderella vision revealed to me and the parallels I believe are taking place as the 'True' Church of Jesus Christ rises up.
I now believe this is a Global vision of the Church and not something limited to Wales and UK.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A Walk on the Wild Side
Here is some wildlife we see from our doorways and windows... One thing about the Pacific Northwest that amazes me is the wildlife. It's like watching a David Attenborough Documentary some days, the difference being this is the real thing! It's such a beautiful part of the world, sometimes I have to pinch myself and say "yes it is real, you do live here"
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Baby Peacocks - Escaped from our neighbours- so not totally wild |
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Blue Jay in Evergreen Tree - No its not a partridge: this is the Evergreen State! |
Deer making a run for it! |
Monday, December 6, 2010
Pray For My Mummy 'Clare'
Hi there; You dont me so I will put you in the picutre. Below is a cute photo of my Auntie Emma giving me a cuddle when I was born in June 2009. I have just turned 1 years old and have a request to all you praying people out there. My mummy, 'Clare' is very ill in hospital and needs a miracle of healing. She was taken sick in August 2010 and after surgery in September 2010 has recently began urgent chemotherapy in November 2010 and is having a hard time. Please pray for Jesus to heal her and make her better. I love and need my mummy sooo much, and so does my Auntie Emma. Thank you all for your continued faithful prayer.
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Emma (my work collegue and friend in UK) holding her nephew. Please pray for them all x |
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Everybody can be great
Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You dont have to have a college degree to serve. You dont have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve... You only need a heart full of grace. a soul generated by love...........
Just got back from Silverdale Waterfront Park loving the community in action and in truth. The hands and feet of Jesus making the link... When I asked one of the kids if she was enjoying herself as the weather was so good and the food was fab (chilli and hot dogs, coffee and hot chocolate), she said; 'Its so good because Jesus gave us the earth and everything in it, so we can give some of what we have back to the people here too". She is just 6 years old and this was not a pat answer from a well churched kid as some may think; I had a strong witness in my spirit: this was right from her heart! All I could say is 'You are just so beautiful!' I gave a large swallow as my eyes began to water...... Compassion for others is an amazing thing, but from a 6 year old it is so precious... Out of the mouths of babes... Hallelujah x
Just got back from Silverdale Waterfront Park loving the community in action and in truth. The hands and feet of Jesus making the link... When I asked one of the kids if she was enjoying herself as the weather was so good and the food was fab (chilli and hot dogs, coffee and hot chocolate), she said; 'Its so good because Jesus gave us the earth and everything in it, so we can give some of what we have back to the people here too". She is just 6 years old and this was not a pat answer from a well churched kid as some may think; I had a strong witness in my spirit: this was right from her heart! All I could say is 'You are just so beautiful!' I gave a large swallow as my eyes began to water...... Compassion for others is an amazing thing, but from a 6 year old it is so precious... Out of the mouths of babes... Hallelujah x
Saturday, November 27, 2010
U.S. Team Works God's Miracles in Brazil
Check these miracles out AMAZING TESTIMONIES!!!!!!
Check these miracles out AMAZING TESTIMONIES!!!!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
'Generation Reach' - 'Pump up the Volume' on Sunday 21st at OVAG
This is the second of the Sunday morning 'take over' meetings we have had at OVAG since we got here... more of them to follow. Thanks to Donna Marie and the children and of course the awesome anointing and favour on their lives they ....did an amazing job...they just love it; worshipping, preaching some truth 'raw style' and praying for the sick.... things can only continue to open up for more opportunites to let these little beauties loose .... next time is 3, 4, 5, December we will be moving down to the waterfront park where we will all go with them for a drumming outreach - giving free burgers (and maybe even chilli filling I hear), praying - What a blast - Im up for that....time to smash out of the BOX people!!!!! Test those spiritual muscles.... new conditioning phase coming up :)
Team Effort |
Prayer |
'Praying for my dad' |
'Worship - Happy Days' Video to follow what this space |
Monday, November 22, 2010
Today we were amazed to see some visitors who I'm sure must be very much 'out of season' here on the Puget Sound, WA. It is 23 degrees farenheight/ feels like 9F with wind - in plain English that is -12 Celsius outside. At one point after the first power outage, I was a bit concerned our freezers would defrost if the power stayed off too long ( we made a group decision we could throw the frozen Thanksgiving Turkeys we are 'hosting' in the snow until the power came back on if they began to defrost!!!). For now though, we are all systems go and all power is on again!
We have had at least 5-8 inches of snow and is still falling.......... love it... the power outages allowed Elijah and Esther to have some serious fun with our torches (flash light to the Yanks) ... Thank God we had some candles 'in house' and nice smelly ones too. What a fantastic day, watching the most amazing flakes of snow fall as a backdrop to some beautiful humming birds feeding from outside our living room window. The last 3 were taken from outside balancing on a chair about a foot away from feeder; the humming bird didn't even notice me stood there, waiting for him to come and feed... God you make all things well........ I love you X
We have had at least 5-8 inches of snow and is still falling.......... love it... the power outages allowed Elijah and Esther to have some serious fun with our torches (flash light to the Yanks) ... Thank God we had some candles 'in house' and nice smelly ones too. What a fantastic day, watching the most amazing flakes of snow fall as a backdrop to some beautiful humming birds feeding from outside our living room window. The last 3 were taken from outside balancing on a chair about a foot away from feeder; the humming bird didn't even notice me stood there, waiting for him to come and feed... God you make all things well........ I love you X
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tonight I was pondering again and for some reason this article I wrote in 2002 came back to my mind. I thought about posting it in the morning, but as that was two hours ago and I still am awake and thinking about it... I decided this may need immediate attention... Now I sleep and you read :)
Today was a very special day in the history of the city where I live. Newport in South Wales, United Kingdom has recently been granted city status from our previous status as a town. Today is the day that Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England came to visit us as part of her Golden Jubilee celebrations, and to announce by Royal decree the honour she has bestowed on our town.
Throughout these Golden Jubilee celebrations the Lord has been giving me fresh insight to His kingdom; whenever I read, or watch anything related to the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, I am always expectant that the Lord may want to show me something more. So when the Queen visited us today, I was not surprised when some of the issues the church are going to have to adjust to in this late hour were being exposed before my eyes.
It was 12.30pm and we decided to make our way to the city centre to wait for the arrival of the Queen. She was due to walk through the main street between 2.30 and 3.00pm. As we arrived, there were already people standing behind the crowd protection barriers, they had been waiting for sometime (some as early as 8am) to get the best view of the queen. These people appeared to be very loyal supporters of the queen. This was evident from their commitment to stand for hours waiting for their precious reward ‘a glimpse of royalty’.
As time went on and the crowds filled in behind us, we all got quite ‘snug’ as we waited. Entertainers were called to perform for the children; the wait for whom must have seemed like eternity!
It was at about 1.30pm when I realised a little girl about 8 years old was standing next to me crying. Apparently, she had made her way to the barrier (two rows in front of us) and slipped between two women to hopefully get a glimpse of the queen; unfortunately she had been pushed back as the women would not yield.
A friend of mine had seen the incident and was quite close to the women, so she promptly pushed her way to the front to speak them.
“Do you realise you have made this little girl cry by pushing her to the back” she said.
Their defence was that they had the right to stay in position because they had been waiting there the longest. They were quite determined to stand ‘their’ ground and they did! At this point the little girl had withdrawn from the commotion and was stood next to me. As her tear’s quietly streamed down her cheeks and were dripping off her chin, I raised her face to look at me. The expression of disappointment was too obvious to hide; I couldn’t help myself and found myself saying, “Its OK you’ll see the Queen, you can sneak through that gap when she starts to arrive!”
At this her eyes began to smile and the tears stopped flowing. This simple word of encouragement gave her instant hope; this positive comment affected her whole posture, and her outlook regarding the event that was to follow. She now had a raised level of expectation and as time moved on I couldn’t help but notice she had decided she was going to stick to me like glue until she had seen the Queen!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Phase 3 - OPEN ROAD - 2008 ARGENTINA - i) The Childrens Home
We arrived in Argentina after a 9 hour and a 10 hour flight back to back. As we settled for take off on the second flight the captain announced there would be a slightly longer detour to avoid the path of Hurricane Ike which was moving over South America - not the most comforting news for a reluctant flyer-but after 9 hours, and 10 hours more, it all feels the same after a while.
We were met at the airport in Buenos Airies by my brother-in-law Raul, known to our children as Tio Raulie and our niece Ruth and her daughter Bianca. Raulie and his wife Mirtha run a christian orphanage just outside the capital with very little funds and do an amazing job. I was humbled and honoured to stay there with them for our first week to see what a fantastic job they do with the children. Some children are there for a few months while adjustments can be made to home situations, some remain longer. I was honoured to meet two of the lads who are brothers and have been there most of their lives. My husband tells me when they went to school as children, they would call themselves Lampan as they considered themselves part of my brother-in- laws family, they still do. When I stayed there for a week, living with them all together, I saw just how much of a family and how much all the children who live there are loved and love my in laws.
One of the brothers' Tadeo' I saw on my husbands website in 2001 when he was about 6 and I began to pray for him and prayed that one day if possible I would meet him. I was not even married to my husband then and had no connections to Argentina. That prayer was answered on this trip and I told Tadeo I had prayed for him many years before, and it was an answer to prayer to meet him.
Both boys are lovely caring lads as you will see from some of the photos with our daughter, as were all the children. Each day the younger children would knock my door when they got in from school and then come in to give me a hug and say Hola Tia Claire. Academically both Tadeo and Freddie have done well too; the younger brother - 'freddy' was in college while we were there training to be a PE teacher. The brothers are long term care children, yet have been brought up as part of The Lampan family. This was not an orphanage that I saw, it their home. This same home is the home where Rauli and Mirtha raised there own three children too, a place where they all learned together about love, discipline, but most of all Jesus.
Every Sunday all the family go to their local pentecostal church, freddie also plays his guitar in the worship team. Beginning at the Children Home shaped my whole trip - to see how two people can live out a God given vision with such selfless love and compassion, was a gem I will always treasure. Now here are the photos.
We were met at the airport in Buenos Airies by my brother-in-law Raul, known to our children as Tio Raulie and our niece Ruth and her daughter Bianca. Raulie and his wife Mirtha run a christian orphanage just outside the capital with very little funds and do an amazing job. I was humbled and honoured to stay there with them for our first week to see what a fantastic job they do with the children. Some children are there for a few months while adjustments can be made to home situations, some remain longer. I was honoured to meet two of the lads who are brothers and have been there most of their lives. My husband tells me when they went to school as children, they would call themselves Lampan as they considered themselves part of my brother-in- laws family, they still do. When I stayed there for a week, living with them all together, I saw just how much of a family and how much all the children who live there are loved and love my in laws.
One of the brothers' Tadeo' I saw on my husbands website in 2001 when he was about 6 and I began to pray for him and prayed that one day if possible I would meet him. I was not even married to my husband then and had no connections to Argentina. That prayer was answered on this trip and I told Tadeo I had prayed for him many years before, and it was an answer to prayer to meet him.
Both boys are lovely caring lads as you will see from some of the photos with our daughter, as were all the children. Each day the younger children would knock my door when they got in from school and then come in to give me a hug and say Hola Tia Claire. Academically both Tadeo and Freddie have done well too; the younger brother - 'freddy' was in college while we were there training to be a PE teacher. The brothers are long term care children, yet have been brought up as part of The Lampan family. This was not an orphanage that I saw, it their home. This same home is the home where Rauli and Mirtha raised there own three children too, a place where they all learned together about love, discipline, but most of all Jesus.
Every Sunday all the family go to their local pentecostal church, freddie also plays his guitar in the worship team. Beginning at the Children Home shaped my whole trip - to see how two people can live out a God given vision with such selfless love and compassion, was a gem I will always treasure. Now here are the photos.
Tio Raulie teaching the children wood work |
Esther sitting with Tadeo getting to know him and Tia Mirtha |
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Silverdale Waterfront Park, Washington State
We just got back from a few hours at the Waterfront (that overlooks Dyes Inlet).... 61 degrees and no clouds in a sunny sky in October... rare even more so in Washington this time of year.... Here a look at someones link on utube. I love it here, it is so beautiful.... Do I miss being in the office in Wales, nope. What a blessing to be able to have this time with my babes... Enjoy it while it lasts
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Origins of Halloween
Do we go with the rest of the world or stand for the light of Christ. I have attached an article on a weblink that may surprise some readers, of what one would be entertaining as they 'go with the spirit of Halloween.'
Even though this festival was originally a celebration of things such as - life and death, light and darkness, summer into winter; its origins are most definitely in witchcraft and closely connected with the Celtic druid.
So as the children of Jesus, do we ignore it and do nothing on 31st October, or offer an alternative.
Many vary on opinions here, so Im' just throwing this out! Jack O Lantern
Even though this festival was originally a celebration of things such as - life and death, light and darkness, summer into winter; its origins are most definitely in witchcraft and closely connected with the Celtic druid.
So as the children of Jesus, do we ignore it and do nothing on 31st October, or offer an alternative.
Many vary on opinions here, so Im' just throwing this out! Jack O Lantern
I was just quietly laying awake not doing much sleeping tonight and was contemplating some discussions and thoughts I have had that are on my heart these last few days. 'There seem to be two camps or groups' Camp 1 - Secular Community Workers Those who are full steam ahead doing community works for Jesus yet without realising it are establishing 'their' name as a christian (follower of Jesus) in the community. This group are often quite 'anti church' and even the mention of the fact that church still happens not only every Sunday in most cities as a public assembly, a place of connecting 'one brother and sister with another' the very mention of the word 'church' to them is almost a catalyst for the conversation to enter a 'crooked road', and an explanation for every reason why church is not relevant anymore e.g. ' I can be a Christian in the community without the politics of church, without the pastor running the show from the top,' etc etc etc etc. Camp 2 - Church Goers Then you have the 'church goers' entering the 'crooked road' debate of how it is biblical to go to church and meet as a public assembly quoting scriptures like ' do not stop meeting together' and any who are not in a 'regular church' are 'back sliding', 'loose cannons' etc etc etc. |
Friday, October 1, 2010
Phase 1 - OPEN ROAD- USA - 2005
On this posting I will try and convey some things that happened on the first Open Road Trip or Phase 1, then I will add Phase 2 - USA - 2006 and Phase 3- Argentina -2008, I guess we are in Phase 4 now as we moved to USA - 2010.
On this phase one trip in June 2005, we travelled 21 states including a brief visit to Toronto, Canada. We took the opportunity as we ministered too and also reconnected with many of Conrad's friends and also ministries in the USA after he had been away for almost 3 years. I was 20 weeks pregnant when we left and was only thinking of one thing, having a 4 week break from work and my first 'holiday' in the USA. What a crazy thought that was.
Anyone who knows my husband may already know he was once called 'Jehu' - Son of Nimshi, for his driving skills and ability to endure on the 'open road' - sometimes for 12 hours a day. Needless to say I arrived at my desk in Wales, UK, four weeks later wondering if I had been swept up in a whirlwind for the entire trip!
More later, but for now some snaps. The photos will not be added in the order we travelled, because my journal with all the states and freeways info etc is in UK. Randon State order....... here goes.......
On this phase one trip in June 2005, we travelled 21 states including a brief visit to Toronto, Canada. We took the opportunity as we ministered too and also reconnected with many of Conrad's friends and also ministries in the USA after he had been away for almost 3 years. I was 20 weeks pregnant when we left and was only thinking of one thing, having a 4 week break from work and my first 'holiday' in the USA. What a crazy thought that was.
Anyone who knows my husband may already know he was once called 'Jehu' - Son of Nimshi, for his driving skills and ability to endure on the 'open road' - sometimes for 12 hours a day. Needless to say I arrived at my desk in Wales, UK, four weeks later wondering if I had been swept up in a whirlwind for the entire trip!
More later, but for now some snaps. The photos will not be added in the order we travelled, because my journal with all the states and freeways info etc is in UK. Randon State order....... here goes.......
Living Waters Ranch, Idaho - This was one of my favourite resting places, it felt like a peace of heaven |
Conrad preparing to speak at Living Waters Ranch - Idaho |
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
'Have Salt in Yourselves'
Jesus says, "Have salt in yourselves and be at peace one with another." Have salt in yourselves - dont be dependent on your environment for life's taste. Have springs from within. Then the ups and downs of the home will not mean your going up and down. You are fed from within. That very self-contained sense of taste will help you to be at peace with one another.
This was one of my readings today... I love it. How we must not keep looking to one another but to the source... The Spring of Life within every believer who is filled with Jesus himself.... the everlasting spring.
This was one of my readings today... I love it. How we must not keep looking to one another but to the source... The Spring of Life within every believer who is filled with Jesus himself.... the everlasting spring.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
September 2010 came and went.....
September 1st - Kindergarten arrives
September 12th - Carly arrives
Ok..... here 1 'This is my new desk' |
"This is my favourite book in the library" 'They even have cup cakes for new kinders - yum!!' |
September 12th - Carly arrives
"I'm so glad I brought these flippers Mum, I knew they would come in handy in Seattle" .... good thinking Yoggie! |
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Opportunity or Difficulty
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"
The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"
Monday, August 30, 2010
“I will take you where angels fear to tread; where grown men have stumbled and gone astray. As you stay close to me I will guide and direct your path; stay close to me. Listen for my voice at every junction before you venture out on the “open road”. The sign posts will be there, you must seek and you shall find; do not rush and miss them, but do not stand and dwell beneath them.
You are about to enter the open road; be alert; be ready to accelerate as the road allows, be ready to negotiate each bend with care. Is anything too difficult for me? I will make the crooked path straight when I release my favor, my increase; “kairos” will be a living experience for you, what was crooked will become straight.
I am accelerating your destiny; time is the essence and the essence is time. Do not fear the unknown, this is a road of opportunity and it is “open” for you. Just listen at the junction, and then move out.
You must listen at the junction for directions. Do not fear the danger of colliding with other traffic on the open road. No one has traveled this open road before, only I. The danger is not in collision but in moving off course. I have set your course. I will then direct you into the paths of righteousness; the path awaits you; take courage my child, step out.
I will wipe every tear, hear every plea and every longing will be realized as you align your hearts desires with mine.
Glory is mine; honor and glory are mine; release my honor and my glory to my children. As you see healing in your own family, minister healing to my body. The remedy is not a repeat prescription but a cure.
Trust me once more my child; I want to bless you beyond measure, beyond limits, beyond expectations, and beyond.”
Claire Lampan - February 2005
Wales – Argentina – United States
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